Thursday 26 April 2007

US democracy on a slippery slope

Another important article from ICH here.


Jose said...

Theoretically the President of the US is above the people. He can veto any bill passed by the Houses if he does not agree with it.

And he effectively exercises this right he has. So the Senators and Representatives who theoretically, too, are elected by the people, ergo are the people, can be overruled by the President.

If this is democracy I'm afraid I'll have to learn again. This is sheer dictatorship.

Richard W. Symonds said...

So what about this Senate decision - which Bush will obviously veto ?

Bodwyn Wook said...

THE Modern age is over; this /heuresis/ is the basis of all my historianship, certainly. It follows, then, that the fruits of modernism, the Renascence civilisation now over, must likewise begin to fall away into the historical past. Among the creations of modernism were science (now in an irreversible decline into dogmatic /scientism/, /eg/) and democracy. The centripetal forces of high energy-consumption and fear drive the accelerating rush to embrace gargantuan bureaucratic systems (including EU), which function increasingly only as branches of the entertainment-industry for the epimethean and over-related, 'government', personality. Meanwhile, in the gutter of consumption, the hogs centrifugally are propelled apart into ever-more-arcane moieties of fashion, religious fundamentalisms and other perversions. As the american president has said so often: "Things simply GOT TO get better and better before they can get worse." Therefore, to anyone who can bear to see, the fix is in and billions already are sentenced to death. /This/ human being and /these/ social structures simply /cannot/ 'cope with' global warming (or much of anything else) in any other way. One is therefore advised to devote ones 'individual' energies to visualising and inviting merciful death into the World in as many ways possible; this physical mode of existence at this epoch of the universe is only a small part of the story in any case; and, as such, the accumulating /awareness/ physically can never be lost. Meanwhile, in any case, in the mid-term the survivors of this disaster /will/ develop new human & post-human cultural impulses & forms. Be happy of heart, therefore, and have eace of mind; and, at last, privately and alone in your rooms, in utter silence, begin at last really to do some good for all. /Amin/

s/Wook 'abd al-'Abru al-baTiniyya fi'l-Qalb al-Ensaan

anticant said...

Those are profound thoughts, Emmett, which call for serious reflection. I do not, however, share your profound pessimism. I may not believe in 'God', but I have faith in the human spirit. I see us as living through a period when what Jung called the 'Dark Side' or the 'Shadow' is temporarily in the ascendant. That tide appears near-unstoppable today, but it is at the ebb and will eventually turn. Perhaps not in my lifetime, or in yours. But when it does, humanity will experience a New Renaissance.

Bodwyn Wook said...

DEAR Me, I'm sorry if what I wrote /supra/ leaves anyone thinking I am a pessimist! Rather, the advice I've come upon is about what old Jung (pbuh) said and wrote about the 'power-complex', the intense egotism of each separate physical embodiment of human being. 'I' mean that it is more-than-easy for 'every individual' to feel 1) very alone, and 2) to try to protect our 'selves'. We thus 'each' feel that dreadful need to 'do something'. And, since most of our separate bodies are mired way down in various social pig-piles, a lot of emotional sickness results. All of this in the name of that fearful 'honey, DO something!' And, so, provoked, we rather do do a lot of horrid things to one another. Most unwise, too, since beyond a point 'I' cannot be happy in any meaningful way unless 'you', too, are happy. The acts of 'private' thought and meditation and visualisation of good outcomes of course are additive, in Dr Hawking's 'light cone', and so in fact the opportunity is present all of the time to bring the Beyond into direct contact with the 'present'. For the rest, it does take some time (!) for the Beyond to catch up with the present, so to speak. In effect, 'I' am saying that 'I' have already saved everybody else's' arse' -- so, all 'you' need to do is sit on your arses and light up a 'Camel, because /this/ is the promised land. (And for Christ's sake, send NO money!) Wook, Free Evangelical Solipsist

anticant said...

Emmett, Your elucidation strikes sympathetic chords, and I acquit you of pessimism! In spite of everything, I continue to believe in humanity's Original Goodness, and that wickedness and vile behaviour are the consequence of fear. We have to strive to reduce fearfulness, in individuals and societies. Only then will violence diminish.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Wook for saving my ass. I thought I felt someone poking around back there last night, and I knew it wasn't me wife. Cheek aside, I do feel better to know people such as yourself are working on this in their most private of places. I'm with you on this one and very much appreciated your contributions here.
Re: this article. Is it any wonder why a Canadian is hard pressed to find an American who trusts their government? This goes way, way back. My Canadian friends ask me why I can't trust my homeland's government... "you are the government" and such they say....
Well, obviously we're not, have we ever been? Thanks for posting Anti.