I see now why the Muslims behave like they do in Britain. It is not their fault basically it's the Police's fault, or the Government's fault, because the saying: "when in Rome do as Romans do", is applicable here.
And this attitude taken by the Police will only produce resentment and hate by those who love animals.
I Am a convert to Islam and in fact don't particularly like dogs (I'm a cat sort of guy!), but of course I do NOT go out of my way to reject or hurt or despise them.
AFTER All, Allah made them too, as we say....
SO it's just a projection. In short, that indeed rather detestable ass-licking quality about dogs /is/ unattractive -- AND it reminds my fundamentalist confreres just a bit too much of their own slavish devotion to these quack hate-mullahs running around loose!
anticant is the blogname of a lifelong free speech and civil rights campaigner. A lot of his life since WW2 has been taken up with battling against cruel and over-bossy laws, censorship, censoriousness, and Nanny Knows Best types. Now elderly and in poor health, anticant hopes his memories and thoughts will be of interest to those engaged in today's struggles for freedom, democracy, and a more hopeful tomorrow.
e-mail: anticant@hotmail.co.uk
I see now why the Muslims behave like they do in Britain. It is not their fault basically it's the Police's fault, or the Government's fault, because the saying: "when in Rome do as Romans do", is applicable here.
And this attitude taken by the Police will only produce resentment and hate by those who love animals.
Resentment and hate against the Muslims.
I Am a convert to Islam and in fact don't particularly like dogs (I'm a cat sort of guy!), but of course I do NOT go out of my way to reject or hurt or despise them.
AFTER All, Allah made them too, as we say....
SO it's just a projection. In short, that indeed rather detestable ass-licking quality about dogs /is/ unattractive -- AND it reminds my fundamentalist confreres just a bit too much of their own slavish devotion to these quack hate-mullahs running around loose!
Anyone for Giant Crabs?
A case of crabs? Is this the old wheeze, about finding a gal who likes seafood?
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