Monday 26 March 2007

Americans observed

2. By one of themselves.

Is the American Empire on the Brink of Collapse? This book, Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic, sounds well worth reading.


Jose said...

I very much doubt it'll be so easy. The US is the strongest military power, a fundamental reason for Capitalism to prop on it, although China may be making progress in this connection despite communist excuses.

Bodwyn Wook said...

AN Important account of how, possibly, the nation-states are now transmogrifying into 'market states' may be found in /The Shield of Achilles/, by Philip Bobbitt. The /raison/ of the nation-states was the 'well-being of the people'. This now, rather obviously, is "going right to Hell!" (as my american farm-neighbour, 87-year-old Judson Andersen, would out it here at home in Hither Ioway.) Here is a 'link' to a review of Bobbitt:


Wook, Aged Rustic, and Tergiversant